Heritage Museum
of Big Spring
The Heritage Museum holds in trust a variety of permanent collections that are significant to our community’s historic preservation. Permanent exhibits and a temporary gallery space showcase the stories of West Texas and engage the audience in a uniquely noteworthy experience. The temporary gallery is used to feature local and distinguished artists, culturally diverse subject matter, significant historical events and anniversaries, community events and fundraising projects, local arts and crafts from our area schools and organizations, and more.
It is a vital part of our mission to explore new and exciting subject matter to present, keeping the museum fresh and relevant for the community we serve. The permanent exhibit area includes the Texas Longhorn exhibit, the West Texas Oil and Refinery Industry exhibit, Imagination Station, the T&P Railroad exhibit , the Pioneer Medical exhibit as well as many more.
Throughout the museum’s existence there has been pride taken in representing all facets of West Texas including the people, the history and the lifestyle while being the heartbeat of our community.
The Heritage Museum of Big Spring is a non-profit institution whose purpose is to collect, exhibit, and preserve artifacts that reflect the history of Big Spring and Howard County.
Upcoming Events
- February 1 – February 28, 2025: Howard County Area School Photography
- February 8, 2025: FanZone Collectibles Superbowl Show
- March 1 -- March 31, 2025: “Through the Years” Linda Rupard Art Show
- March 13, 2025: Annual Meeting, Catered event with Speaker
- April 5 – April 25, 2025: Chisholm Trail Exhibit -- TX Lakes Trails Division Exhibit
- May 1 - May 31, 2025: Big Spring Art Association Judged Area Wide Art Show
- June 17 - July 31, 2025: Quanah Parker Exhibit -- TX Lakes Trails Division Exhibit
- June 2025: Legends and Legacies Fundraiser & Cowboy/Girl Hall of Fame TBA
- August 2025: TBA
- September 1 – October 31, 2025: Drive Ins, Cafes & Diners
- November 01 - November 14, 2025: Decorating Christmas Tree Forest
- November 15, 2025: Opening of Christmas Tree Forest
- November 15 - December 20, 2025: Christmas Tree Forest Open for Viewing, Theme for 2025 is Christmas Elves: Representing Joy & Whimsy of the Season
- December 5, 2025: Children’s Christmas at the Museum
- ***This is our 2025 tentative schedule of events, all events and dates are subject to change***

Quick Links
Monday: CLOSED
Tuesday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Wednesday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Thursday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Friday: 9:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Saturday: 10:00 AM - 4:00 PM
Sunday: CLOSED